Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Growing Success - A summary of Chapter 2 Learning Skills p. 9-14

Growing Success - A summary of Chapter 2 Learning Skills p. 9-14
Developing learning skills and work habits are an important part of a student’s learning. Teachers are expected to work with students to help them develop 5 key learning skills. Those are the following 5 learning skills and are evaluated on a student’s report card:

Responsibility • Organization • Independent Work • Collaboration • Initiative 

Those skills are paired with sample behaviours for each in a chart to help guide the teacher in determining the student’s evaluation. The more comprehensive table can be found on p. 11 of Growing Success.

These learning skills are not part of determining a student’s grade in any subject or course with the exception of in the health and physical education curriculum.  

The Ontario Ministry of Education has linked these skills with ones that employers are looking for: working safely, teamwork, reliability, organization, working independently, initiative, self-advocacy, customer service, and entrepreneurship.

Students benefit when teachers discuss and model these skills, and when teachers and parents work with students to help them develop these skills. Students also benefit when teachers work with them to explain how these skills will be assessed and evaluated.  Here is a link to the document Growing Success:

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