Friday, 26 July 2019

Connecting to Social Studies

These are my answers to the questions we were to post in a Forum for the online course I'm taking. Experiences in the role of Student or Teacher using Inquiry and Social Studies
I taught Grade 10 French Immersion History in the role of LTO teacher for a semester last year. That was painful as I had no experience with teaching History or the Historical Method and was following another teacher’s outline. There were challenges in introducing Inquiry first because the students were not at a sufficient level in their French language to understand enough of the materials. Second because I feel I was constantly having to learn new material and information to be able to then pass it on to the students. We got through it - I was quite frank with the students and let them know I was learning along with them. There was tech involved, including a great online game about WW1 where you were a soldier and it was a kind of Choose Your Own Adventure. There was cross curricular involved with Drama - having them act out the roles of the different countries involved in WW1.

Do you remember learning any of these topics yourselves? When?
My memory of my learning Social Studies is gone. We are talking about over 30 years ago.

Are there times in other curriculum areas that they are repeated?
There are, newly updated curriculum documents include FNMI perspectives, histories and contributions wherever it can. This is part of the recommendations from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. I have experience with this in the Visual Arts curriculum in High School.

Do you have a favourite strand (topic?).

Strand A Topic: Grade 4: Heritage and Identity: Early Societies to 1500 CE - There is great opportunity to include some Art History and Visual Art in this Strand. 

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