Saturday, 10 August 2019

Math Lesson on Elapsed Time

For the course I'm taking "Junior ABQ" our culminating task for the module on Math was to find a video that relates to a lesson either as pre-learning or post learning, create a lesson and then post the reflections both on the LMS system we are using and also on this blog.

Here is the result:

Grade 4 Math - Elapsed Time
This video would be shown post lesson at it extends the learning of elapsed time past the 5 minute increments. It applies the THINKING (on the achievement chart) behind the lesson further, onto other increments and helps anchor the concept of elapsed time.

The lesson is a blended learning strategy that has students watching videos and reading either in class on Chromebooks or at home and doing the activity in the classroom.

Link to lesson:

I am not at all familiar with how to teach Math and feel quite lost trying to come up with a lesson. I found a resource that has lessons on Edugains
and proceeded down a “rabbit hole” of links. I’m going to use the lesson on Time that I found on this document:
In the interest of time, I’m going to use the lesson, despite not having access to some of the links- I can’t contact my board to get access to them, they are password protected resources at this site: Link to Ontario Curriculum for Math:

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